What exactly is crowd sourcing?
Crowd sourcing is the practice of funding a project by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via online platforms. Crowd sourcing is time consuming requiring patience, perseverance and resilience. We work with you to get your campaign just right.

For NGOs – SSD-STAC: Smart-Simple-Determine-Strong-ThankAnalyze-Choose

  1. Be SMART
    Set your organization up for success by planning a campaign with measurable goals. Ensure your goals are achievable by looking at the capacity of target audience to pay
  2. Prepare a Straight and SIMPLE Story – Write it down
    Represent your project through stories that will appeal to your NGO’s donors. Pay attention to keep it Ethical. Make your online fundraising webpage be eye catching.
  3. DETERMINE the right audience, Collect DATA
    Access the right crowd. Your campaign is never run solo. The data you collect will help plan your next campaign.
  4. Start STRONG – Run an active ONLINE campaign
    The first 3 days could spell the difference between success and failure. Use email and social media to raise money for your cause, grow your email list and engage your donor community.
  5. Give THANKS
    Keep your donors happy by showing your gratitude for their support.
  6. ANALYZE the Impact of your campaign
    Dissatisfied with your previous campaigns? Gather and Evaluate your data to make your next campaign a success.
  7. CHOOSE the Right Platform
    To achieve your earning objectives, choose the best platform for your NGO.

For Beneficiaries – SEN proposes to have an online platform to allow NGOs to collaborate to help beneficiaries. All requests displayed will be vetted and reviewed before display. The platform will be 100% transparent and funds will be given direct to the beneficiary.

1 thought on “Crowd Source your funding

  1. SEN is a useful resource for ngo s . Their services are diverse and it’s on flexi mode hence many can benefit out of them . The free consultations and one on ones by professionals once week are a support system which is a resource all people in leadership roles should tap for strategic planning,road mapping etc.

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