In our multipronged society there are several systemic influencers for each thing, person, or activity. The actors are government departments, NGOs, independent social workers, corporates, solution providers, workers, teachers, bankers etc. Each one takes the perspective and ACTS upon the same thing, person/activity. These actions are often mutually nullifying, reductive and almost always ineffective.

Every action yields results and these results must be consolidated constructively to impact these thing/person/activity(TPA). This constructive consolidation of results is missing in society and will be led at each district level by the Action Impact Owner(AIO).  The AIO will review results and adapt actions for impact. 

This is a highly responsible intense activity that needs –

  • careful monitoring
  • sequence of action
  • the interest of various action takers(ACTORS)
  • the results of different actions
  • tabulation of conflicting results revising action at the planned level
  • inform the concerned ACTOR formally
  • Follow up on the resulting action
  • Tabulate results
  • Publicly announce improvements
  • Align with district level development goals
  • Create sustainability of development goals
  • Participate in State level district champion meets
  • Identify Block Level Coordinators (BLC)
  • Empower and engage BLCs
  • BLC will maintain a problem resolution log at a grassroots level
  • The AIO will objectively evaluate best performing and least performing District Level Champions based on this log